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NewQuest’s $90 million Retail Center to Transform 249 Corridor

Published Oct 13, 2023 by Hailea Schultz

The Grand at 249 Development Site

The Grand at 249 Development Site


Set for completion by 2025, The Grand at 249 will span 404,256平方英尺, 使其成为休斯顿西北子市场中最大的零售集中地, 总部位于休斯顿的开发和经纪公司NewQuest properties称.  

位于Grand Parkway-Highway 249交叉口的西南角, the groundbreaking 65-acre development boasts 12 pad sites, with 10 of the sites already committed. 值得注意的是,96%的空间是租赁的或正在协商中,这确保了像AT这样的租户&T, Boomer Jack's, Gringo's, Jersey Mike's, Milano Nails和Two Pho Nine Asian Fusion.  

该开发项目将被总体规划社区和混合用途项目所包围, including Lovett Industrial's 240-acre Interchange 249, 提供3.100万平方英尺的工业和仓库空间,将容纳梅西百货的配送中心. 

像249号的Grand这样的大型开发项目,以及由于Grand Parkway将人们和企业带到城市的先进基础设施, Tomball continues to see rapid residential growth. 目前, there are nearly 27,000 single-family homes with an average household income of $141,000 per year within a three-mile radius of The Grand at 249, according to NewQuest. The Tomball Economic Development Corp. 预计到2030年,该市人口将从1.2万人猛增至2万人.  

"The housing growth in the 249 corridor is booming," said Andrew Alvis, senior vice president and development partner of NewQuest. “249号的Grand将在Grand Parkway道路上创建下一个超级区域十字路口方面发挥重要作用." 

汤博尔的发展和新开发项目的兴起正在推动该地区的商业发展, 包括白色独角兽投资公司沿着哈里斯县西北部的大公园大道建造的77英亩的混合用途中心,该中心将包括零售, 餐厅, multifamily and industrial space. 

Hga010皇冠软件下载认识到这个地方的巨大潜力,并致力于开发一个项目,这将是一个见证社区的增强,” said Richard Buxbaum of White Unicorn Investments in a statement.  

Discover more about the rising projects and growth in Tomball


Economic Development


一个开创性的925英亩的市区位于布里奇兰的心脏地带, Cypress’ massive master-planned community, 随着混合用途开发项目的动工,该项目是否已初具规模.   Spanning 70-acres, Bridgeland Central的Village Green旨在重新定义休斯顿的西北市场, offering more than 28,000 square feet of retail and restaurant space, 还有100分,000-square-foot H-E-B and 49,000-square-foot sustainable office building dubbed One Bridgeland Green.    单击展开 According to Bridgeland’s website, One Bridgeland Green将是该地区第一个大型木材办公楼开发项目. 旨在减少20%的温室气体排放和80%的年用水量, 该建筑为未来的环保工作空间树立了新的标准.   Village green将为该地区已经开发的Starling公寓大楼附近的居民提供服务, which opened in 2022, and its 150-unit townhome community Highland 首页。s.   单击展开 Although its urban district is still in the early stages of development, Bridgeland has been steadily evolving since 2003. 11,占地500英亩的总体规划社区因其一系列住宅而获得了极大的赞誉, schools and abundance of outdoor amenities.   位居全国五大最畅销总体规划社区之列, Bridgeland has witnessed a remarkable surge in new home sales, reaching a 74 percent increase year-over-year, according to real estate consultant firm RCLCO. With this momentum, the community is poised to reach its full build-out potential, accommodating an estimated 70,000 residents in the near future.  As Bridgeland continues to revolutionize living in greater Houston, 社区的创新和家庭友好的景观吸引了企业的注意, developers and new residents, driving substantial growth to the area.   According to Community Impact’s analysis of the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, Cy-Fair grew by more than 52,000 residents from 2016-2021, 打9分.4 percent increase in five years.  To accommodate growth, the Grand Parkway from I-10 to U.S. 290号高速公路于2013年开放,预计将于2026年加宽,以改善交通. 赛辉Hga010皇冠软件下载发展署亦为回应日益增长的教育服务需求,开设了两所新学校.   单击展开 As developers add more homesites and mixed-use developments to the area, 许多公司都注意到了这一点,希望在人们可以生活和工作的地方建立一个存在. 去年, 雪佛龙在布里奇兰收购了超过77英亩的未开发土地,作为可能的研发园区.  “雪佛龙被bridgeeland提供的机会所吸引,并将此次收购视为对Hga010皇冠软件下载资产组合的有力补充,丹尼尔·阿贝特, head of Chevron’s corporate real estate, told the Houston Chronicle.  Discover more about Houston’s neighborhoods and communities.  

Houston Area Suburbs Rapidly Growing, Emerging as Residential Hotspots

休斯顿最近见证了其房地产市场的显著转变,其郊区成为充满活力和备受追捧的住宅中心.  Despite a slowdown in the market, Houston realtors sold over 100,000 homes in 2023, according to the Partnership’s 首页。 Sales update. While the city saw some of these wins, a majority of home sales occurred in the suburbs, 富尔希尔/南布鲁克郡/西蒙顿社区在2023年第三季度的购房增长百分比最大, 56分.根据休斯顿房地产经纪人协会(HAR)的报告,同比增长3%.   除了, other Houston-area suburbs have taken the spotlight recently, thanks in part to their compelling blend of affordability, new development and variety of master-planned communities.   赛普拉斯和凯蒂最近荣登全美“最热门邮政编码”排行榜榜首, 在2023年人们买房最快的社区中排名第一和第二. According to Opendoor, Cypress jumped six spots from its 2022 ranking, while Katy climbed up one spot, 他们的社区关系紧密,离城市很近,因此备受赞誉. “其中许多地区的机会比Hga010皇冠软件下载看到的要多,”Opendoor报告称. “They have smaller populations than cities, but are growing rapidly because they are accessible to major metros. Newly built homes, like many in these neighborhoods, are becoming a more accessible option, and developers continue to invest in these areas.”  Bridgeland, A将近12,000-acre master-planned community located in Cypress, has contributed to the city’s unprecedented growth. According to the same HAR report, Cypress ranked second in the third quarter of 2023, with transactions rising 47.8% percent year-over-year.   黄檀树, known as Houston’s “livable forest,” has recently become a growing hotspot for families, receiving recognition for its small-town charm and welcoming community. 在一份新的报告中, 全明星之家将金伍德评为美国第二友好的社区, outranking Memorial and Alief. According to the report, 18.金伍德75%的商家评价都是“友好”.”   Earlier last year, 金伍德也被评为休斯顿地区最受欢迎的社区, according to HouseFresh. 该报告根据Zillow查看该地区房屋的数量,确定了全美最理想的社区. The findings revealed that 黄檀树 received over 12,000 daily views.   As Houston's suburbs evolve into highly desirable residential hubs, 蓬勃发展的景观不仅提供了诱人的生活方式,而且强调了休斯顿的强大潜力,为企业和专业人士寻求一个繁荣的生态系统,有利于个人和职业的成功.  Discover more about Houston’s suburbs.  


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